Just Love

This past week I have had a lot on my mind and in my heart. I went to the funeral of the mother of two of my dear friends. I had met their mother a few times just briefly and she was always so kind, welcoming, loving and had a beautiful glow about her. At her funeral many talked about her fun and funny personality, how much she loved her family and her Savior, how she affected many in her years as a teacher and other beautiful things. One mentioned how she talked about how life is short and to endure it well. Through the beautiful music and the talks the message my heart received was the reminder that we are placed on earth to love each other and to love the Lord.

There is something about births and deaths to bring priorities into clear focus. In June of 1999, I got the call no one wants to get telling me that my mom had passed away. My mom was only 49, just 2 weeks shy of her 50th birthday. I was only 23. I was an only child, my dad has never been in the picture and my grandma was a mess. I was in charge of planning a funeral without any warning.

My mom had some serious issues including years of alcoholism, bipolar as well as other challenges. Yet, despite all of this, she knew how to love. The next day I went over to her townhouse to try to figure out how to cleared it out. There was a lot of stuff including 100 Christmas mugs (still not sure about that one). But my mom bought presents for children for Christmas. There were about 5 train sets, 10 cabbage patch kids, lots of stuffed animal and a whole box of Christmas candy. Her heart was in the right place and she wanted to help others.

What will matter when we leave this life? Will it matter how many likes we have on our facebook statuses? Will it matter how many instagram followers we had? Will it matter how impressive our houses or cars were or how elaborate our vacations were? No. We won't be judged on that.

We will be asked if we kept the two greatest commandments. Did we love the Lord with all our heart, might, mind and strength? Do we have HIS image in our countenance? Do we KNOW Him?

Then, How did we love others? Did we love our family even though it was challenging at times? Did we choose to forgive when society said we had a "right" to be angry and unforgiving? Did we reach out to others in love? Did we become love like our Savior did?

I believe in grace. I believe each day I fall down, some days farther than others, and His divine grace lifts me up. I believe He will be merciful with us. I also think we complicate things. It truly all comes down to LOVE. Everything!

When my mom died suddenly I remember sobbing not remembering what my last words to her were (although in all reality they likely were I love you). After she died I really tried to make sure no one passed through my life without feeling loved especially those that may not have a lot of love in their lives. Though I think the telemarketer was a bit confused when I told him I loved him since especially right after my mom died I told everyone I loved them. I still try to.

I took care of my grandma for 6 years in her home and then watched over her for the last year of her life in 2 different assisted living places, rehabs, hospitals and hospices. Besides asking her if she wanted chocolate before she died, (of course the answer was yes because we share the same gene pool), I KNOW my last words to her were I love her. I didn't make that mistake again because I learned from my mom.  I still sometimes think about her an my mom and in my heart tell them I love them because I truly believe one day I will see them again and until that day they watch over me.

There is power in love. A power that is not found in any other way. Love is the highest motivator of mankind and beyond. Love motivates a birthing mother go through pain beyond what anyone should have to endure to bring forth life. Love motivates a couple, coming from two completely different backgrounds, to decide to get married despite knowing there will be many tests and challenges ahead of them that will try them to the core. Most of all, love motivated our Heavenly Father to allow His Only Begotten Son to go through the trials of mortality and then some, to be cruelly and unjustly judged, suffering in Gethsemane and crucified. That love motivated our Heavenly Father to look beyond the moment into all eternity. That love motivated our Savior to do likewise even though at times He felt forsaken by our Father. Or felt alone, despised and rejected by the very people He came to save.

Life can be bone crushingly painful at times. Those seasons in our lives where we mourn the temporary separation of us and those we love. Or when we deal with bodies that don't always like to cooperate with us the way we would like. Or when family that you never thought would chooses to turn their backs on your for one reason or another.

During these times and myriad more, the healing balm of love is amplified in the difference it makes. Small acts of loves aren't always small in the end. Love is never wasted even if it isn't returned. It has a power all of it's own.

Choose to love. Just love. That includes yourself which is sometimes the toughest that's where grace comes in too. We often compare our weakest areas to others strengths. We may never be able to sing like so and so or play the piano like friends of ours that took lessons from the day they were born it seems. But one gift we all can have, that takes no talent, is to love. It just takes a lot of practice.


  1. This is so beautiful and inspiring. I just read your story via email from the moments we stand and followed the link to your blog. Thank you for sharing!!

    1. Thanks so very, very much! I will get back to blogging regularly again! I appreciate your kind comment a lot. It can be tough being so open at times!

  2. I also found you via Moments We Stand. What a true inspiration you are. Please do get back to blogging more regularly, so I can continue reading your lovely thoughts.

    1. Thank you so very much! I am going to make an effort to get back to blogging in 2017. I also am in the process of writing a book. The book won't be about my experiences but more about tools to overcome adversity. Thanks again for your kindness. It means the world to me!


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