Our Shame Rooms

I had an experience this week that was really symbolic to me and I think many can relate. On Monday night, I came home and found out that my roommate had cleaned my messy room. To be honest I was mortified. I knew her heart was absolutely in the right place but my room still had boxes from storage that hadn't been unpacked among other things. There were things I would rather not have her see.

Then I thought about my shame rooms in my life. The things I want to hide from others. The things I feel that if people really knew about me they certainly couldn't love me after seeing them. The things I have crammed so deep in my soul that they are aching to come out. The memories packed away in boxes.

It's natural to want to hide things. Even in the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve hid from God. They knew they had done something wrong. I am not sure what they felt then but I am sure it easily could have been connected to shame. Yet it is only in bringing these things to the light that we heal.

I am working on my 4th step in CoDA which is taking a fearless moral inventory. I would be lying if I said it wasn't kicking my butt. Yet by acknowledging the parts of me that I feel are shameful, I experience true freedom. It's only by bringing them to the Light of Christ I am able to heal.

What shame closets do you have? What parts of yourself would you rather keep concealed? I don't know what your shame story is but I want to let you know that even with those shame rooms, you are absolutely, completely, 100% loveable. You are WORTHY of love! Those messy parts aren't all that you are. Your identity as a son or daughter of God is more powerful than anything you could ever do or anything that has been done to you. I pray that all those reading this will truly internalize this and find peace.


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