Landfill This video has been powerful for me. I wanted to share it as my first post even though I feel I have internalized it.

How do you heal from abuse? Especially when it's generational? I feel the Lord is calling me to share more of my experiences. It's tough being vulnerable. It's not my forte. Yet right now I feel strongly that I need to share my story and help others heal.When I first started healing it felt like I was dealing with a landfill and overwhelmed me. I didn't know where to start. In counseling this video was shared with me. It's always been my favorite conference talk so I was aware of the talk but not the video. So take time to watch it.

So here I am. I have to say this isn't going to be all sunshine and butterflies. Healing is tough work. But that is why there is grace and our Savior came to free us from the chains. He has the power to help us heal. He yearns for us to turn to Him.

I have 5 generations of sexual abuse on my mom's side of the family. I have been sent to my family to break those patterns and I know I can heal and turn the healing backwards and help others heal.

Healing can be tough. And I don't like a huge mess. I like things to progress perfectly and I am learning that's not what the Lord wants for me. Maybe you are like me in that way.

I came from 2 alcoholic parents. I still don't know if my dad is dead or alive. My mom had serious issues. She died at 49 of chronic alcohol use.

All of this has been tough for me to heal. I would be lying if I said life has been easy. It hasn't. There have been times I have been suicidal. There are times I couldn't take one more thing happening, and it did.

Right now seems the worst time to start this but I know there is power in following the promptings of the Spirit. I hope this blog helps others not feel the shame. What happened to you was not your fault. I believe family patterns can be healed. I have seen it. You can be the one in your family that breaks unhealthy patterns.

We have angels around us. I have had some amazing experiences with that. Know that you are loved. Know that even the mess of families we came from, is for a reason. I have learned through this process that there is a plan. Even when I don't know it.


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