Your TRUE identity and worth

This has been on my heart tonight and I will probably post in on my new blog too. Where do you place your worth and value? I am finally realizing that the ONLY person I have to please is the Lord. That my worth isn't defined by what I do, who I know, how much money I make, who my parents were, or ANYTHING but that I am simply a daughter of God. That I belong to Him.
My very favorite children's story is, "You Are Special" by Max Lucado. This video is actually an adaptation of the book. In it, there is this little boy Punchinelo. Take time to watch the video. I'll wait...have you watched it yet? Okay. It was a great reminder of worth to me and I think I have bought it for just about every child I know.
These past few years just about everything has been stripped away from me. It has made me feel so vulnerable. I am learning it's actually beautiful. I always thought it was beautiful in others but didn't accept it in myself.
Our society tells us our worth is based on external factors and I am here to tell you those are lies. You are of worth simply because you exist. NOTHING you do can change your worth. Nothing. I feel like one of my missions in life is to be a shame buster. I love Brene Brown and the work she has done on shame and vulnerability.
The GREATEST lie satan can ever tell you is that you are not of worth because (Fill in the blank). You brought your worth with you the day you were born. Actually, your worth existed far before that. We are told before we were formed in the belly of our mothers the Lord knew us. He knew us well.
I have not been blessed with children yet but I have nannied many children and been an honorary aunt to many. I adore my nieces and nephews. There is nothing they could EVER do that would cause them to make me love them any less. My love for them is 100% unconditional and it would deeply grieve me if I felt they ever thought I didn't love them and they weren't of great worth to me.
I can't imagine how much it must grieve our Heavenly Father when we doubt our worth or when we base it on the number of likes we get on facebook or the number on the scale or our net worth or our marital status or how many children we have.
I am going to be very open, my whole life I have based my worth on things that can change. I remember one day I was driving by the Mesa Temple Visitor's Center. It was late at night. My heart was grieved as I thought, I was not a wife, I am not a mother, I am not a daughter, I am not a sister and I am not even a granddaughter now. My grandma had just died and so much of my worth had been tied to taking care of her as I had done it for six years full time. And I felt the sweet words of my Heavenly Father penetrate my soul, " Debbie, you are MINE. What more will you ever need." That's not to say it's not a righteous desire to get married and have children and that WILL happen. Family is incredibly important and I have spent years fighting for the family from everywhere to the UN to doing my only family history. But our worth can NEVER be tied to transitory things. Never.
I hope tonight you will rest in the knowledge deep in your soul and heart that you are of worth simply because you exist. You can't earn that worth, you brought it with you. satan may try to lie and say you have lost your worth. I testify that NO ONE is beyond redemption. That ONE soul, just ONE, is so great in the sight of the Lord that He sent His only beloved Son. Why? So we could return to Him again some day!
I never thought the people pleaser in me would finally give it a rest. I love others deeply and I want to serve them but I am finally learning my worth isn't tied to what others think. What a rocky foundation that is. When we are centered on Christ, there is POWER. A very real power that simply can NOT be found ANYWHERE else.
So the next time satan tries to tell you that you are not enough, tell him to go to hell because that is his home. When friends betray you (and this will happen because we are not perfect and live in a broken world) don't let that define you. When the man or woman you have your heart set on dumps you, know that it's not a reflection on you. When others, sometimes even family members (in my case my dad) tell you that you are worthless, remember that is a reflection of THEIR character not yours. Love and forgive and let it go.
We can become unstoppable when we TRULY know who we are and understand our worth. I didn't think I would ever say I was grateful for going through a time in my life where I lost it all but I am. I am grateful that it has led me to a knowledge of the lies satan likes to tell and I will expose them. I am grateful it has taught me that my worth just simply is. I am grateful that I have learned the ONLY approval I need is that of my Savior. Do I want others to love me? Of course. But is my worth based on whether or not they love me? Nope. Not now.
If you are struggling with your worth please reach out to me and I will pray for you. There is power in prayers! I love you my family and friends. Please remember You ARE special and let those dots and those stars fall away. You don't need them to know who you are when you know WHOSE you are! heart emoticon


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